IABC Waterloo 2021-2022 Board of Directors
Interested in joining the IABC Waterloo Board of Directors? We’d love to have you! Below are the descriptions for all positions available for the 2021-2022 Board. We meet once a month from September-June and have one or two Board socials throughout the year. All Board members must be IABC members in good standing. We have fun, but we work hard, so we want strategic thinkers who aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves to get the job done.
If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, just fill out our application form. Have questions before you apply? Feel free to contact us at presidents@iabcwaterloo.com. We look forward to hearing from you.
vice president
As Vice President, you are second-in-command on the IABC Waterloo Board. You support the President as needed, and chair meetings when they are unavailable. As one of the board leaders, you are a resource for all the other Directors and step in to help with other portfolios as needed. You will also act as a signing authority for board finances.
Membership Director
You’re a people person. You know the value of a good handshake and a friendly smile. You will be the Board’s direct connection to our members. Your three main goals are:
Making new members feel welcome
Knowing what our current members’ wants and needs
Attracting new members
How you accomplish those three things is up to you. We have lots of ideas we’ve used in the past, but we’re hoping you’ll have some new ones too. Some of the things you’ll always do: connect with members via email when the join, renew or lapse their membership; get to know members at our events; and represent our members at the Board table. At the end of the Board year, you’ll lead the execution of the membership.
Professional Development Director
When some people think of event planning, they think about the Party Planning Committee from The Office. When you think of events, you think about meeting new people, learning new skills and all of the logistics. We’re looking for a fantastic team of Professional Development Directors to lead our PD program for the year. Using member survey data and one-on-one feedback, you’ll bring engaging events to life that bring value to our members. We made the pivot to virtual events in 2021, so you’ll build on what we’ve done to offer even more great programming.
Community Relations Director
As our connection to the community-at-large, our Community Relations Director is responsible for building IABC Waterloo’s profile in the community. You will nurture our existing relationships and make sure we are fulfilling our commitments to those partners by working with other portfolios (social, comms, etc). We currently have a few partnerships in place, but are always looking for new ways to bring value to our members by teaming up with local organizations. We’re hoping you have some good ideas for some new relationships so we can further share the value of IABC members in Waterloo Region.
social media Director
You’re a social media junkie. Maybe social media is part of your job, or maybe it’s something you’d like to be part of your job and want a little practice. Maybe you live your life in 280 characters or maybe you let gifs do the talking. Our Social Media Director promotes everything from chapter events to international webinars via our social channels, engaging members and non-members to keep them up-to-date on what we have planned. Live social chatter for all of our events is pretty essential. You’ll work closely with the Digital Communications Director to make sure all our online messaging is cohesive. You’ll know all our metrics and will be responsible for setting up the content calendar by pulling content from other portfolios, International and anywhere else you find info our members might want to know.
digital communications director
You are passionate about communications and providing people with all the information they need in the most consumable way. Our Digital Communications Director is in charge of our online look and feel, and you have an eye for that type of thing. Our website and newsletters are in your hands; you will be the webmaster, the content coordinator and the newsletter editor. You’ll work closely with the Director of Social Media to make sure all our promo has a cohesive feel across the different mediums.
executive administrator
Every good team has someone who keeps them in order. That’s you. We need someone to organize our monthly meetings, manage the website job board and when things get hectic, we might need you to step in and help with other portfolios. You’ll get to experience a little of everything this year. This position is ideal for a student or recent graduate new to the field and looking for some board experience. With everything you’ll learn this year, you’ll be ready to take on a portfolio of your own next year.